I heard a Word from God when I got in the car after church today, take it for what it is, I was reluctant to post it because of the word “soon”, I am only human and “soon” means something different to humans than it does to God (??? or will it ???) , but I am certain this was to be shared with God’s people.
“The path to light and the path to darkness is before this nation. Enter into the light for life, it is a very narrow path that can only be followed by the Way of the Cross, the small door opens to life eternally with Me, the darkness is a very large path that is easily followed with a great door that opens to the 2nd death. I will soon humble this nation, every soul will chose a path, be ready to reap the harvest of souls. ” ~ We need to be praying for this nation like never before, we should pray for God to take over our churches like never before.